16 Mar

What does this look like to you?

Working with women over the past few years has not only been for them, but for me also and let me share with you why that is.

As a child I was shy.
The quiet child.
The socially awkward child who didn't like speaking to adults or relatives.
The child who hated the whole hello and goodbye hug when arriving places.
The child who at school was forever told she had no confidence because she didn't speak up in class.
The child who disliked asking for what she wanted.
The child who wouldn't say if something was wrong.
The child who had a "just get on with it quietly" attitude going on.
The child who never wanted anyone to feel disappointed in her.
The child who constantly adjusted to fit to suit others.

That was me as a child, into my teenage years and then into adult hood.

Zero confidence.
Socially awkward.
Zero self belief.
Worried what people thought.
Never asked for help.
Always adjusting to fit in with the people I was with.
Not really knowing who I was.
Nervous wreck.
Worried about making my own decisions.
Needing reassurance from others.

It was hard work living like this.
Having your own dreams of how you want to be yet not being brave enough to share them with others because you know there will be a comment or a criticism and because of being so bothered by what people thought, the dreams got buried and life just carried on.

So, what am I telling you all this for?
You didn't ask for my life story yet here I am, sharing it with you.

What I want is for as many women as possible to find their voice.
Not the loud and brash voice that shouts to be heard on the outside.

The voice I'm talking about is that inner voice.
That inner voice that talks to you all day.
The voice that tells you that you're not good enough.
The voice that knocks your confidence daily.
The voice that worries about what others are thinking if you were to ask for what you want.
The voice that is afraid to say no to family and friends because you don't want to disappoint them.
The voice that tells you how fat you are, how ugly you are and how stupid you are.

That's the voice I want you to focus on changing.
That inner voice is where your confidence is, your self belief, your self worth and your strength to rise and become the woman you know you really are.

I found my voice and it starts by going inwards.
I never believed that for one second that I would be a woman speaking out to guide other women towards their dreams. To help them build their confidence to go and be better mums, better partners and to discover what really lights them up each and every day. I now happily appear on videos, teach on stage and have a radio show all show others that it is possible for us all. You may not believe it for you yet, but I believe it for you.

Find your voice ladies.
Gain the quiet confidence.
Believe in yourself.
Strengthen your relationships.
Become a better mum.
Be courageous.
Step into your power.
Own your decisions.

Live free.

Big love beautiful.
Naomi ♥️

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