15 Sep

Have you ever sat and looked at another couple and wondered what it is they do regularly to maintain their happy and healthy relationship?

There’s a relaxed vibe about them, they have a laugh and they energy that surrounds them is calm and magnetic.

Working with couples through their problems highlights areas that are missing that simply, if put into practice and worked on, turns that couples relationship around.

Let’s take a look at 6 simple practices that you and your partner can start doing today for a happy and healthy relationship.

1. They listen to understand each other - it can be difficult sometimes when both of you have a point that you want to get across but if neither of you understand where the other is coming from, the conversation will keep going round and round and will never be resolved. Listen to each other, understand each other to move forwards in the best possible way.

2. They work on being happy individuals - it is not the responsibility of your partner to keep you happy. That responsibility is yours. When two people work on themselves to be happy, the result is an incredibly happy relationship.

3. They encourage each other to grow - don’t be afraid when one of you wants to make changes to themselves or have a change in career or maybe return to education. Support each others growth. Sometimes fear can set in when one half of the couple wants to make some changes to themselves. It can leave the other half feeling inadequate or not good enough. When one of you wins, you both win.

4. They have the difficult conversations - stop shying away from conversations that may be difficult to have. Many couples don’t speak up about what is bothering them for fear of conflict so instead, keep their thoughts and feelings inside which leads to resentment and frustration. Learn to disagree well so that the difficult conversations don’t seem so difficult after all.

5. They support each other through the good times and the bad - you and your partner can not be buzzing all the time. Life happens and there are times when it really can get you down. Loving and supporting your partner may feel easy when life is going well and you will be happy to support them. But what about when life gets a hard? Can you be equally as supportive of each other during both.

6. They go to coaching separately or together - coaching will enhance any relationship to become the happiest and healthiest it can be. Like you would go to a Personal Trainer to get physically healthy, coaching is how to train your mind to be healthy. Work through the past hurt, pain and trauma that you have experienced. Stop carrying destructive patterns into your relationship and work on becoming the best individual and couple you can be. Understanding yourself gives you a greater understanding of others and a greater understanding of your relationship.

Much love

Naomi & Martin ♥️

Your turn...

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