11 Apr

Whether you’re a man or a woman, life can feel overwhelming at times. There are family pressures, parent pressures, work pressures, social pressures and then there are our own individual needs that put pressure on us to maintain. Exhausting!

So, what could you start doing to relieve some of the stress and strain that seems to come as part of life right now?

Here are 5 things to start doing today that are just for you...

1. Talk a little less, and listen that little bit more - listening to someone and we mean really listening, is one of the greatest gifts you can do for another human being. Listening is giving someone your time. Listening is giving someone attention. Listening makes that person feel heard. How good does it feel to be heard? Do that for someone today. It will improve the relationships you have with others therefore creating a calmer and happier life for you.

2. Release yourself from negative people - there are some people in life who really light you up and there are others who drain the life out of you. Take note of who these people are and maybe adjust the amount of time you choose to spend with them. Choose people who support you. Choose those who have similar interests. Choose those people you feel safe to share your thoughts with and who you can be yourself around. It doesn't make you a bad person if you decide that certain people are not for you.

3. Forgive people and move on - life can feel hard when you live with resentment and hate in your heart. Not forgiving someone for something that you feel wronged by is just an extra pressure to add to all the others. Forgiveness isn't for the other person, it is for you. Forgiveness will free you from a very heavy, angry feeling that will overwhelm and control how you live your life.

4. Accept others for who they are - you cannot change people and if you try, you will find yourself with a whole heap of stress in your life. People are who they are, not who you want them to be. The only person that you ever have control over is yourself. Accepting others for who they are will alleviate any frustrations and annoyance that you might be harbouring towards another person for not being how you think they should be. Focus on yourself, that is where your control is.

5. Stay connected with yourself 
- life is hard sometimes and it will feel even harder when you lose connection with yourself. It can be easy to find yourself being swept along with other peoples ideas, opinions and actions. Go inwards, always. Ask yourself what YOU want, what YOU like and what YOU think and then be brave enough to stand by your choices and thoughts. Keep that connection to yourself and watch how life starts to feel right again.

Your turn…
What else would you add to this list?
Which key point will you start to practise today?
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