23 Aug

1. You Support Each Others Goals

Having goals together are great to have but what about your individual goals? It's important to not neglect what is important to us as individuals when we are in a relationship.  We are not always going to like or want to do the same things.  Awesome couples support each others dreams even when it is not something of interest to them.

2. You Laugh Together, Not At Each Other.

Are the jokes always at one of your expenses? Do you find that you both have started to laugh at each other and the vibe is feeling a bit off? Having a laugh and joke is vital to a happy and healthy relationship but not at the expense of the others feelings.  Awesome couples recognise when a joke has gone too far, apologise and work through it.

3. You Make Each Other Feel Heard.

Have you ever been speaking and known that the other person isn't listening or, they have listened, and completely dismissed what you've said? Awesome couples are aware that listening is necessary to maintain a successful relationship.  Give each other an opportunity to express any needs and concerns and take action on them.  It is ok to disagree on things but communicating this is key to prevent and resolve conflict.

4. You Push Each Other To Be The Best Versions Of Yourselves.

Do you pull each other down or build each other up? Couples who struggle have a relationship full of blame, complaining and criticism. Awesome couples know that building each other up creates a happy environment for the both of you. Motivate, inspire and push each other to be the best that you can be.

5. You Feel Safe Around Each Other.

Feeling safe with your partner is a really important aspect of a strong relationship. And we're not just talking physically safe but emotionally also.  Awesome couples feel comfortable sharing with each other their hopes, fears, vulnerabilities and pain because they trust that their partner will tend and support their emotions with warmth and concern.

6.You Respect Each Other's Boundaries.

Boundaries are good to establish in any relationship we have, especially in a romantic one where you spend a lot of time together.  Remembering that we are all different and that we all have different levels of what we will and won't accept is something that awesome couples have established.  Boundaries are our mental, emotional and physical limits that we put in place so that you can both happily co-exist.

7. You Make Time For Each Other.

Life is busy busy and the days, weeks, months and years can fly by! How much time do you make for each other? Many couples think that time together needs to be organised and be big grand gestures that cost a fortune.  Date nights? Holidays? Whilst these are ways to spend time together, awesome couples realise that it is in the small, pockets of time doing the not so glamourous tasks of the day that valuable time together can be spent.  Cooking together? Cleaning together? The kiss and the cuddle as you pass each other in the house? These are valuable pockets of time to keep that all important connection.

8. You Celebrate Each Others Success.

Competition mode can set in quickly between couples when one has seemingly more success than the other.  Awesome couples understand that, if one of you is winning then you both are winning.  Whilst one of you may not be getting what they want the moment, it is important to celebrate your partners success if they are doing well.  Nothing is forever and many successes run in a cycle. Can you be happy for each others situation even when you are not happy with your own right now?

9. You Have A Lot Of Fun Together.

Fun can be had in any moment if you go looking for it.  From the minute you wake up to the time you fall asleep, there are hundreds of opportunity to have fun together.  Awesome couples find the fun in the most mundane of activities.  Whether its doing to shopping or cleaning the house, you can have a laugh with each other.  Share the chores, do the jobs you dislike together, limit technology and most of all love with intention in all that you do.

10. You Both Can Talk Openly About What You Like And Dislike.

Being able to openly express what you like and don't like in a relationship without worrying your partner will get upset is really important for the survival of any relationship. And being able to listen as your partner is telling you is equally as important. Awesome couples recognise the need and have the skills to talk to each other about this without taking anything personally. They have done the inner work on themselves and are confident and secure to hear what the other has to say.

Naomi & Martin ♥️

Your turn...

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