Dealing with the discovery of an affair can be incredibly traumatic. It's not just the pain of betrayal, but also the loss of trust and security in the relationship. The emotional turmoil that follows, including shock, confusion, hurt, and anger, can be overwhelming. Even simple decisions can feel like difficult tasks during this time.

Understanding why an affair happened is crucial. It's important to recognise that affairs rarely have a single cause and can occur even in seemingly happy relationships. We will help you explore the underlying issues that may have contributed to the affair, even though it may be painful to uncover.

We understand the complexity of infidelity and are here to provide guidance and support. We offer a safe and confidential space where you can express your feelings, ask questions, and receive expert guidance on coping with the impact of an affair. We're here to help you heal and rebuild, no matter how challenging it may seem.

Many couples seek coaching after an affair because they need help in processing and moving forward. It's not uncommon for the effects of the betrayal to linger for years. We will guide you through the process of affair recovery, helping you understand what led to the affair and supporting you in rebuilding your relationship.

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